“Ahh... so you are back?”
Yes, the gladiators are adorning the pretty feet of the pretty- pretty lasses! Technically since 2008, they have been declared as the “must haves” by the Fashion fraternities who-who’s. Currently also they are enjoying privileged attention by the Bollywood beauties like Priyanka Chopra and Shriya Sharan who decided to flaunt their stylized gladiators for the movie premiers.
Yes, the gladiators are adorning the pretty feet of the pretty- pretty lasses! Technically since 2008, they have been declared as the “must haves” by the Fashion fraternities who-who’s. Currently also they are enjoying privileged attention by the Bollywood beauties like Priyanka Chopra and Shriya Sharan who decided to flaunt their stylized gladiators for the movie premiers.

Gladiators are an extremely comfortable pair of sandals that one can slip into, and though they are generally available in flats (as on Priyanka), some now-a-days come in the variations of heels (as on Shriya) and wedges. Gladiators with their distinctive T-style have been inspired by the Greeks and Romans of the yore. These sandals come in a range of materials as well as styles. Leather, rattan, and plastic can all be used, in an assortment of colours from classic tan to metallic. It is also not uncommon to see embellishments such as embroidery, stamping, or beading on gladiator sandals.
Ladies with long legs look stunning in these T-strap sandals, however one should stick to feminine dressing with these sandals. When paired with more masculine apparel, gladiator sandals can tend to create a mannish appearance!!!

Above are a few fantastically done gladiator sandals to choose from., all within your pocket money budgets... and they come quite close to what Shirya and Priyanka are wearing too... So ladies join the bandwagon... after all some of the greatest Greek and Roman victories were won with these worn on!